Sunday, December 4, 2016

December 4, 2016

Supports the coming together of All people for Peaceful Solutions
December 4, 2016 - Designated as Prayer Day, brought together people of all colors

As the Prophecies have been told by the Elders..these times are important for humanity
to re-evaluate our past behaviors, and work together to insure cultures and all people
are protected.   That clean water and food is available, and respect for human rights at the forefront of all decisions made that may affect human beings.

Prayers where answered with a statement from the Army Corp. of Engineers today,
December 5, 2016

And the Tribal Leaders Released a Statement..
and they asked the incoming Trump Administration to recognize the action..

The most poignant interview by a non-native coming to the camp was made by
Wesley Clark, Jr.   son of one of the most decorated military men in U.S. history,
he said 'why' he couldn't just sit by:

Wes Clark Jr. at Standing Rock: General’s activist son heads to N.D., driven by “spiritual fire” 
Gen. Wesley Clark's son and namesake on why protecting the environment is a human issue, not an Indian issue  Article by ALLI JOSEPH  

"What can other veterans who stand for peace do to help? Do you have enough bodies at Standing Rock to support your efforts? 
We don’t want any active duty participating, and risking damaging their service record. Only people who are OK with getting arrested. Veterans Stand for Standing Rock, Veterans for Peace and Iraq Veterans Against the War are all working together with the tribal factions. We are out there to help, to do good and to put our bodies on the line to try and help save this country.

You have said that constitutional issues are in play at Standing Rock. What do you mean by that?
People join the military, police and fire departments because they want to help people. We all take an oath when we join up to protect the Constitution of the United States from enemies foreign and domestic. This government has run roughshod over constitutional law, especially in the last 16 years.
Since 9/11 we have acted like a bunch of scared toddlers — and in fact, more people have been killed by toddlers with guns than terrorists. We are doing what the actual terrorists want. We are breaking our own values, disobeying the Constitution, spying on people’s emails and phone calls, putting people on no-fly lists, and restricting their travel.
We have officers who can confiscate cash from people that they pull over. At Standing Rock, the entire idea of “free speech zones” that they want to set up is a violation of free speech itself. The law officers want to create a little pen where we can say what we want – it’s bullshit. The actions at Standing Rock are also a violation of the Declaration of Independence, which says that “all men are created equal.” What’s happened out there, if you ask me, is that people protecting their water have been denied equal protection under the law. No one in Bismarck wanted the pipeline near them, so the Army Corps of Engineers said, “Let’s run it near the Indians.”

What do you hope to achieve out there?
My only goal  – and remember, I’m just a dude – is that I want people to actually live in peace. I want to create a future for my children. I don’t want to run for office, make a bunch of money, be a TV personality … I just want a job that pays the bills. There is one cause, and they are all interrelated – it’s saving the planet for our children.  I was raised Catholic, but I can say that I’ve been at best agnostic for the majority of my adult life. I tried meditation, I tried to pursue religion – I just didn’t connect.
When Phil Young called me to say that elderly women who were praying were being beaten, children were being bitten by dogs, people were being put into dog kennels, it brought back memories from my childhood where I was sitting in church and hearing the gospel, with Jesus saying, “What you do to my brothers, you do to me.” Suddenly it made sense. Now it’s like a spiritual fire has been lit inside me. So I’m going to do whatever is right for people defending their resources. I’m no Jesus: I’ve been a sinner. But I do believe in “do unto others.”

The most important things in life are kindness, compassion, honesty, caring for neighbors. Most important is forgiveness. I am going out there literally ready to be killed, and if that’s what happens, I don’t want any violence to come out of it. I want forgiveness. We are raised in America to be spectators. The vast majority of children don’t play sports in school, they watch games. Life is about living, not watching other people do it. It’s not enough to go to church and say you believe; you have to live it.  I’m nothing special. Everyone is going to Standing Rock with the same idea. We will not stop until this country gets it right, until we live by our proposed ideals."

May Peace be Restored On Earth....May we move forward honoring all lives matter, and guarding our natural resources ...for the next generations.

We pray that the opposition within the Republican lead Congress finds their hearts in the matter as well... we continue to pray!

Aho, Miigwetch, Mitakuye Oyasin, O'Mateo

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