Friday, September 22, 2017

Happy Fall Equinox....
With the New Moon...and all the elements... Community comes together to
Remember...and celebrate the harvest.

May we keep all those who today have lost their homes, and are under extreme challenges, in our prayers and thoughts of support, and
 with monetary assistance as well.
Donate to local groups that get aid 
right to the local communities.
Share your abundance today the year of Hurricanes and 
Earthquake Relief 
Please give all you can to a community.

If anyone knows who's picture this is please notify.

"Walk Gently On This Good Earth.."

Virginia LoneSky, ThD
Peaceful Endeavours

Serving Community Since 1989

•                                    Virginia LoneSky ThD © 2010

Monday, July 3, 2017

Peaceful Endeavours Announces
Summer Event
 July 21-23, 2017 

Azteca Dance Troupe Members
Alberto Ramirez, Vidal Perez, 
Monte Martinez, Erin and Nai

Sponsored by - Mary Hardy
Temple of Sakkara
Allegan, MI Conference

Visit website for details:

Find this year's Schedule and Details.
You can register before or at the door.

Camping is first come spaces until full, 
for a weekend of Cosmic Enlightenment.

Alberto, Vidal, Monte will be part of Opening Ceremony July 20 
with Virginia LoneSky, ThD
Workshop on July 23 -

Plus Bonus
Fire Walk Offered by Rick and Marlita -

See you all there!

Peter Champoux (c) 2017 

"Think Holy Water" the Great Lakes surrounds Michigan..

Virginia LoneSky, ThD

Vidal - Virginia, Cristino, Alberto - Amigos since 1989

Monday, April 3, 2017


"Walk As One @ 1"   World Labyrinth day Event by the Labyrinth Society

Saturday - May 6, 2017 

Find an outdoor or indoor labyrinth in 
your community or 
find a Finger Labyrinth "pattern" 
Walk with your feet - 
or trace with your fingers!  
Walk for the intention of Peace..

       Come Walk in Detroit -Near the River

SATURDAY, MAY 6, 2017 @  1 O'Clock 
Walk As One @ 1 -  2016 Visitors from Flint, and Detroit
Adcraft Labyrinth is near River - towards the Belle Isle Bridge 

at the Gabriel Richard Park - on Jefferson Ave.
East of the Belle Isle Bridge
Parking Lot off Jefferson - towards Riverwalk

Posted by:  Virginia LoneSky, ThD
Peaceful Endeavours Labyrinths
Facilitation Training - Products - Unique Ceremonies
Workshops -  "Have Labyrinth Will Travel".

"Grail Goddess (c)2001 Virginia LoneSky, ThD

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Calling Community Together 
         for an extraordinary moment in time...
"Four Arrows Migration Story"
From the Keepers of the Oral Tradition
Original Painting (c) 2015 Vidal Perez / Alberto Ramirez

The descendants of the Toltec Culture are going out into the world again to build community and share  their educational and cultural exchange journey...the historic return of the "Four Arrows Migration" Story.

For More Information on the 2017 Schedules - Visit:

                         Ivan Perez - Cristino Perez - Alberto Ramirez, Tony Benetti -                              joined by Monte Martinez and are going on the Red Road again.

Ivan, Cristino, Alberto, Toby  -  Mott College 2016 Four Colors Ceremony


Contact Toby Benetti Toby Benetti or Virginia LoneSky ThD
for Scheduling Events In your Community

Alberto, Cristino, Monte, Vidal - Ohio Venue - Drums, Dancing, Song, Stories

Contact Alberto Ramirez
for finding out what kind of programs
are available
(Contacto Principal Audiencia de habla hispana).

North America 2017 Events 
Flint, MI Area

March 17 & 18

Event Name:  Sacred Sweat Lodge - Teachings
Flint, Michigan

Shared Contact: Alberto Ramirez  & Toby Benetti

Dayton, Ohio Area

March 21

Event Name:  Four Arrows Migration - Ohio Valley History;
Spoken Word, Dance & Songs

Hosted by: Virginia LoneSky ThD and Barbara Schneider
Time:  Doors Open 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Venue Location: Center For Spiritual Living Greater Dayton
4100 Benfield Drive, Kettering, OH 45429
937 298 1376
Shared Contact: Virginia LoneSky, ThD & Toby Benetti  Feb 1-Mar 10

Columbus, Ohio Area

March 23
Event Name:   Four Arrows Migration - Ohio Valley History;
Spoken Word, Dance & Songs
Hosted by:  Maggie Hardin
Time:  Doors Open 6:30 p.m. Program 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Venue Location:  All Life Center
123 Hyatts Road, Delaware, OH 43015

All Life Center Parking:
5700 Columbus Pike (SR23)-Lewis Center 43035
123 Hyatts Road, Delaware, OH 43015

Shared Contact:  Virginia LoneSky, ThD & Toby Benetti Feb 1 - Mar 10

March 25 & 26
Event Name: Ceremony, Spoken Word, Dance & Song
Hosted by Dave Weinkauf's Circle
11601 Thatcher Road
Conneautville, PA  16406

Contact: Toby Benetti

April 1 & 2

Event Name: Ceremony, Spoken Word, Dance & Song
Hosted by Jetta Petrie's Circle
Petersham, Massachusetts

Contact: Toby Benetti 
(For those who know Jetta contact her directly).

Work In Progress - Please Check Back Regularly for Updates!

Azteca Dance Troupe Alberto Ramirez second from left - Cristino Perez End on Right

                        In the tradition of our dear Maestro, Tlakaelel
Tlakaelel, "Keeper of the Oral Tradition" Maestro to Many Communities

His apprentice/students have taken their places now to continue his cultural message, "our ways are still alive".  They will go out, as he did, being invited by community and traveling around the country, and around the World.   Sharing the actual ancient history of one of the greatest civilizations on Earth after the fall of Atlantis.... the head of the Northern Confederation, seated in Mexico.

They carried forward their cultural history in the form of stories.  Documenting the reasons for the "Calendars" and why they were to only span 48,000 years.

Introducing,  Cristino Perez, one of the original young men taken under the wing of the Maestro and taught all the secrets and true history of how their information lasted into the 21st Century.

It is a great story of courage, and "The Four Arrows" Migration story which began the exploration North and South from the sacred mountain near the now Mexico City up into Michigan ... and the East and West, and as far South as the area known as Nicaragua.

Stay tuned for more to be posted on the way you can sponsor this cultural gem in your community. Sharing circles to exchange information, and sing, drum and show the sacred dances that were important to keep Earth and their culture 'in touch'..

There's is a Cosmic story...that links us all together...awaiting the sharing...

Virginia LoneSky, ThD
For More Information
Kalpulli of the New Sun
Peaceful Endeavours 

To Read a Great Tribute to Tlakaelel and his love of exploration... visit the Website of Colin Andrews, Crop Circle Researcher...  he did a tribute after Tlakaelel's passing in his beloved Sundance Ceremony   

Tribute to Passing Of Elder, Tlakaelel by Colin Andrews

Saturday, January 21, 2017



Vidal, Virginia, Cristino, Alberto - Mott College, Flint, MI - October 2016