Saturday, June 30, 2012

THOTH has announced that... 
The Heart of the Healer's
8th International Gathering 2012
has been cancelled for safety 
concerns, and to not bring people
into uncertain conditions due
to the wildfire situation still
continuing in Colorado

if you have registered and paid, 
for information on refunds.  

If you feel drawn to help, we suggest you consider making a tax deductible donation to either THOTH, to help them defray their advertising expenses or  the local fire and rescue community during their time of challenge.  

THOTH Facebook page and their website should have detail information posted on all options.  

And without saying, may we join together in a collective prayer that pachamama be nourished now by gentle cooling rain, in balance, and that the people come through this challenge even stronger.

May they feel our love, and may it help them feel safe and secure.

We ask that you please hold THOTH, and the people of Colorado in your prayers as they make all the necessary adjustments during this challenge.   Munay,

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

June 23, 2012 - Solstice Celebration

Summer 2012 
Picture by Blanchard Spang
Summer Solstice -  June 23rd -  come to
Yellow Springs, OH - Sacred Valley Celebration

Sponsored by Chinchaysuyu Council - Mesa Circle
(The Heart Of The Healer - Northern Region
teachings of don Oscar Miro-Quesada)

Growing new opportunities to meet around the Region, and share the teachings of the lineage of don Oscar in between his workshops - 
Sat. June 23rd - 3:30 pm til 7:30 pm -  Will be held outdoors - dress appropriately.  Bring drums and music makers.

Outline: Opening sharing circle - Open Mesa - Guided Journey, Break for Pot Luck dinner.  Resume: Despacho (creation and offering), community Fire - Come and bring your ideas for future community building and harmony.  Bring yourself, an outdoor chair, a food to share, (keep green by bringing your own dish and utensils).

Informal but empowering.  For directions, 
contact Peggy Koebernick at - Munay, Virginia LoneSky 

Saturday, June 2, 2012

June 5th - Detroit, MI - Labyrinth Walk And Water Ceremony - Gather 6:30 pm

You are Invited...Labyrinth Walk and Water Ceremony ....gathering on the banks of the Detroit River...Gabriel Richard Park labyrinth (Adcrafters) -  near the Belle Isle bridge...for the first time in 5,000 years we will have the chance to co-create our own spiritual destiny in harmony and replace the outdated society of war and conflict with a more advanced one of spiritual understanding.   All it takes is your presence...or your thoughts to be with us in spirit.

Come experience group dynamics as we focus on Harmony, and direct our intent to make it so!  We are joining with the worldwide honoring of a Venus transit, a rare cosmic event when planet Venus passes in front of the Sun. (This Venus transit will mark a completion of the 8 year cycle of the Return of the Goddess which started with a previous Venus transit in 2004.) Goddess energy is a pure feminine essence of Love that will help us easing the planetary liberation process. Both masculine energies of action and feminine energies of receptivity are needed to complete this process successfully.  Birthing in the New Wave of Harmony...come experience group dynamics and empowerment. 

Hosted by, Virginia and Marshell   .... no previous labyrinth walk experience  
Logistics: Park car across from the bridge and walk to the park - ceremony will be from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm - if you arrive after it begins just stand near the labyrinth and we'll weave you in!