Sunday, December 4, 2016

December 4, 2016

Supports the coming together of All people for Peaceful Solutions
December 4, 2016 - Designated as Prayer Day, brought together people of all colors

As the Prophecies have been told by the Elders..these times are important for humanity
to re-evaluate our past behaviors, and work together to insure cultures and all people
are protected.   That clean water and food is available, and respect for human rights at the forefront of all decisions made that may affect human beings.

Prayers where answered with a statement from the Army Corp. of Engineers today,
December 5, 2016

And the Tribal Leaders Released a Statement..
and they asked the incoming Trump Administration to recognize the action..

The most poignant interview by a non-native coming to the camp was made by
Wesley Clark, Jr.   son of one of the most decorated military men in U.S. history,
he said 'why' he couldn't just sit by:

Wes Clark Jr. at Standing Rock: General’s activist son heads to N.D., driven by “spiritual fire” 
Gen. Wesley Clark's son and namesake on why protecting the environment is a human issue, not an Indian issue  Article by ALLI JOSEPH  

"What can other veterans who stand for peace do to help? Do you have enough bodies at Standing Rock to support your efforts? 
We don’t want any active duty participating, and risking damaging their service record. Only people who are OK with getting arrested. Veterans Stand for Standing Rock, Veterans for Peace and Iraq Veterans Against the War are all working together with the tribal factions. We are out there to help, to do good and to put our bodies on the line to try and help save this country.

You have said that constitutional issues are in play at Standing Rock. What do you mean by that?
People join the military, police and fire departments because they want to help people. We all take an oath when we join up to protect the Constitution of the United States from enemies foreign and domestic. This government has run roughshod over constitutional law, especially in the last 16 years.
Since 9/11 we have acted like a bunch of scared toddlers — and in fact, more people have been killed by toddlers with guns than terrorists. We are doing what the actual terrorists want. We are breaking our own values, disobeying the Constitution, spying on people’s emails and phone calls, putting people on no-fly lists, and restricting their travel.
We have officers who can confiscate cash from people that they pull over. At Standing Rock, the entire idea of “free speech zones” that they want to set up is a violation of free speech itself. The law officers want to create a little pen where we can say what we want – it’s bullshit. The actions at Standing Rock are also a violation of the Declaration of Independence, which says that “all men are created equal.” What’s happened out there, if you ask me, is that people protecting their water have been denied equal protection under the law. No one in Bismarck wanted the pipeline near them, so the Army Corps of Engineers said, “Let’s run it near the Indians.”

What do you hope to achieve out there?
My only goal  – and remember, I’m just a dude – is that I want people to actually live in peace. I want to create a future for my children. I don’t want to run for office, make a bunch of money, be a TV personality … I just want a job that pays the bills. There is one cause, and they are all interrelated – it’s saving the planet for our children.  I was raised Catholic, but I can say that I’ve been at best agnostic for the majority of my adult life. I tried meditation, I tried to pursue religion – I just didn’t connect.
When Phil Young called me to say that elderly women who were praying were being beaten, children were being bitten by dogs, people were being put into dog kennels, it brought back memories from my childhood where I was sitting in church and hearing the gospel, with Jesus saying, “What you do to my brothers, you do to me.” Suddenly it made sense. Now it’s like a spiritual fire has been lit inside me. So I’m going to do whatever is right for people defending their resources. I’m no Jesus: I’ve been a sinner. But I do believe in “do unto others.”

The most important things in life are kindness, compassion, honesty, caring for neighbors. Most important is forgiveness. I am going out there literally ready to be killed, and if that’s what happens, I don’t want any violence to come out of it. I want forgiveness. We are raised in America to be spectators. The vast majority of children don’t play sports in school, they watch games. Life is about living, not watching other people do it. It’s not enough to go to church and say you believe; you have to live it.  I’m nothing special. Everyone is going to Standing Rock with the same idea. We will not stop until this country gets it right, until we live by our proposed ideals."

May Peace be Restored On Earth....May we move forward honoring all lives matter, and guarding our natural resources ...for the next generations.

We pray that the opposition within the Republican lead Congress finds their hearts in the matter as well... we continue to pray!

Aho, Miigwetch, Mitakuye Oyasin, O'Mateo

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Happy Fall Equinox....
With the Full Moon...and all the elements... Community comes together to
Remember...and celebrate the harvest.

If anyone knows who's picture this is please notify.

Walk Gently On This Good Earth..

Virginia LoneSky, ThD
Peaceful Endeavours

Serving Community Since 1989
•                                    Virginia LoneSky ThD © 2010

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Thank You Detroit....Michigan 2016
   "Walk As One @ 1"   on the Detroit River Walk  - Gabriel Richard Park - Jefferson Ave. East of the Belle Isle Bridge -  May 7, 2016 - 
What a Beautiful Day we had!

For more information on bringing Labyrinth Workshops or Classes to your organization or community, please contact: 

Virginia LoneSky, ThD - Peaceful Endeavours Labyrinths

Peaceful Endeavours serving community since 1989


Congratulations to Carriacou, Grenada, West Indies for their 

1st Observance of "Walk As One @1"

Mrs. Mary Dorman, Australia - Benefactor 
for the lovely labyrinth "Truine 7"  Design by John Ridder USA - 
Painted and installed by Nyron Charles in the
Noel & Cordelia Prime Memorial Park - Limlair, Hillsborough side of the Island in 2015
(Located - Across From Limlair Farm)

Monday, April 18, 2016

Posted by Peaceful Endeavours
Labyrinths .....

You are Invited
Come walk the labyrinth on
the Detroit River walk area
Jefferson Ave. at Belle Isle Bridge
Detroit, Michigan


World Labyrinth Day 2016
May 7th

"Adcrafters Labyrinth near River Walk East of Belle Isle Bridge"

"Walk As One at 1" o'clock
Everywhere Around The World
and here at

Gabriel Richard Park - 
Adcrafters Labyrinth
on Jefferson near Belle Isle Bridge
Detroit, Michigan

Peaceful Endeavours...
"Building Community One Step At A Time"

Come be part of the International Labyrinth Society Awareness Project

If you'd like to learn more about Labyrinths and how they can be used for your organization, hospital, school, or for team building, therapy, and celebrations, please contact:

                  "Walk in Beauty on This Good Earth" 
    Virginia LoneSky, ThD  and  Marshell Germany, LMBTP
Two native Detroiters As Your Facilitators World Labyrinth Day

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Peaceful Endeavours Sponsors "Noel & Cordelia Prime Memorial Park"
Walk as One at 1 o'clock - on behalf of Fanny (Mary) Dorman

Mrs. Fanny (Mary) Dorman
Invites you to Walk the

 Triune 7 (c) Labyrinth!

at the
Noel & Cordelia Prime Memorial Park

 in Limlair, Carriacou West Indies
(Across From Limlair Farm)

On International World Labyrinth Day
You are Invited
Come “Walk As One @ 1 o’clock”
island time
At the labyrinth dedicated in
Limlair, Carriacou, Grenada West Indies

Come experience a beautiful day outdoors on
May 7th
World Labyrinth Day 2016
@ 1 o’clock Island Time

"Triune 7 by John Ridder (c) Dedicated Oct. 2016, Limlair, W.I."

The original  Triune 7 © Labyrinth designed by John Ridder is a one-of-a-kind
copyrighted design recreated for the Prime Memorial by Naylor Charles (Trader) 
in Limlair , Grenada West Indies and right on the island of Carriacou!

Noel & Cordelia Prime Memorial Park
Labyrinth is a permanent installation
which can be visited upon arrangements in
Limlair, Carriacou, (Grenada) West Indies

Contact Fanny (Mary) Dorman at Info For Noel & Cordelia Prime Memorial Park Labyrinth 

Or the local Radio Stations on the Island

Posted by Rev. Dr. Virginia LoneSky
Contact: Peaceful Endeavours Labyrinth Ministry

"Hello to all my friends on the Island...enjoy your walk!" 

Monday, February 1, 2016


              “Walk Awhile In My Boots”  TM 2014

Forming in Southeastern Michigan

Labyrinth Walks and Talking Circles 
– Quiet Time
Open for Veterans, 1st Responders;
their Families and Friends
(See more information below).

Another Aspect Of 
Peaceful Endeavours Programs in 2016 

Community Building Workshops
Ceremonies and Gatherings
Open For Your Space and Place

Labyrinth Facilitation Training - Ceremonies
Community Building Events

"Prime Memorial Park -Trion 7 Path Labyrinth - West Indies- Dedication Day"
V. LoneSky (c)2015

Labyrinth Education - Schools
Hillsborough School - "How to draw and walk a Labyrinth"!  V. LoneSky (c)2015

Merging All Traditions Into Labyrinth
Therapy Work

"Turtle Island North American Teachings Adapted To Your Beliefs"

Pachakuti Mesa Work
CONTACT - Travel Mesa - Brought On The Road - 2016

as taught by don Oscar Miro-Quesada 
and Creation of her involvement within
her Vision of New Ceremonies

"Sweet Water Medicine Society"
Heart Centered Ceremonies
Teachings and Workshops

Ayllu Group Social Fun Time with
 don Oscar Miro-Quesada at his Mesa - 2016

Contact: Virginia LoneSky, ThD  
To Bring A Workshop To Your Community!

Urubamba Valley - Peru - Medicine Wheel - Willa Tika
V. LoneSky (c) 1998

Rev. Dr. Virginia LoneSky has been a practicing Ceremonialist / Medicine Woman since 1988, and a Mesa carrier since her Apprenticeship began in 1989.  Integrating the lineage of don Oscar Miro-Quesada’s Pachakuti Mesa teachings into her diverse tribal/indigenous roots and healing practices.  Going out into community as her Elders have taught her to do.  Mentoring and helping to establish new inter-connected communities - around the world into Mesa and Labyrinth Earth energy work.  As a ministry and peaceful endeavour way of life.

She guides workshop participants through their inter-dimensional doorways to experience a re-connection to their ‘Star Map’.  Emerging revitalized and ‘awake and ready’; open to practice new ways to apply the Mesa work with other modalities steeped in sacred geometry.   For the benefit of maximizing your human potential to hold sacred space and make it ‘real’. 

For the non-Mesa community, she incorporates the use of energy work of the ancient “Goddess” Wisdom schools.  Incorporates the teaching of how to use sacred geometry in your home and community, and also integrates the use of the Labyrinth to facilitate group empowerment walks.  All classes and/or personal instruction are tailored to the person or group’s belief system.
Founder of Peaceful Endeavours, a cross-cultural, multi-denominational spiritual educational non-profit, serving communities around the world, to practice community involvement, dispel cultural myths, and integrate peaceful practice into one’s everyday life.  Virginia is a Sacred Geometry Practitioner, assists to communicate and reveal Earth energies in personal and public space.  A Writer, contributor, “Stories of Prayer and Faith”, and creator of Copyrighted labyrinth products.  

Virginia is also an Ordained Minister to do her ‘hands on’ work, with a doctorate in Theology.  Performs unique marriage and life affirming ceremonies.  Has been bestowed with the acknowledgement as a Medicine Woman, by Tlakaelel, Keeper of the Oral Tradition – Aztec tradition; bestowed the Shamanic teachings of XXaman, Mayan tradition.  Initiated at the ancient Goddess Temples of learning at Uxmal in the Yucatan, by Na Kin, Mayan healing tradition;  adopted into the “Two Feathers Medicine Clan, Cherokee band in Crete, IL creating new ceremonies and supporting their Sundance; honored as a ‘Relative’ in the Lakota  tradition to carry medicine, given permission to build and pour sweat lodge, offer Canupa ceremonies, and carry Eagle feathers, as a supporter of their Sundance. 

In July, 2014, resulting from her dedication to work with don Oscar, Spirit  announced the formation of the *“Sweet Water Medicine Society”,  a new feminine aspect asking to be birthed out, as a new branch of her Pachakuti Mesa service.  It follows the premise of our destiny to aid in bringing in the merger of the feminine aspects with the masculine, and committing to actively mentoring the next generation, in these ways.  Requires nothing except you knowing you belong, and do the work.  “We are one – and not separated when in one-heart service”, Virginia LoneSky”. 

(*Its’ midwife was Deina Bomberry, along with the singers; and John Rice along with the drummers from, Parry Sound, Ontario, Canada and Holly, MI.  Who at our  Chinchaysuyu Northern Region, of the then, Heart of the Healer vision).  This gathering, held July 4-6, 2014, shared their Anishinabe roots, and examples of ‘doing’ their healing work in community with their Water ceremony with balance.

Inspired to empower herself and other open minds to offer their gifts, “in any way you are led to serve”, and was grounded into reality after that weekend.  Birthed also by the inspired work and teachings of don Oscar Miro-Quesada, on the uniting together of the Eagle and the Condor in our lifetime.

Virginia is looking forward to building programs into the 21st Century reaching into the stars with our contact - moving into 'the 5th world' predicted by the Ancestors, dawning within our immediate futures.  She also uses the Ancient symbols and practical therapeutic uses of the Labyrinth for Warriors - Veterans - 1st Responders and their families and friends.

She has served on the Chinchaysuyu Regional Council and Committees 2010-2014, and will continue to support the teachings and communication tools in the Region to bring the knowledge of the work of don Oscar Miro-Quesada to the public.  (Regional identification of THOTH has transitioned right after our Gathering on Lake Huron in 2014).

She lives these percepts, and a way of life, and encourages others to come together and continue ‘growing corn’ for future generations to come into new circles.  

Actual 300 year old corn grown in her yard in 1998 with Orbs!

Since 1989, attended don Oscar weekend workshops.   Virginia was in the 1st Michigan Ayllu Apprenticeship, and has worked with and incorporated many Peruvian roots with her other North, Central, and South American indigenous studies at the feet of the Elders.  Adding in the aspects of the Divine Feminine, Magdalene, Wisdom of the Sophia, and many Earth Keepers lineage within the Celtic/Druid/Gaelic traditions.

Virginia resides in Southeastern Michigan – within 20 miles of her birthplace of Detroit.  MI.  Works with all cultures and belief systems and their communities; her Ayllu on a regular basis locally, to do ceremony.  Will travel around the world, as asked, to work with any community open to learning how to access their potential to serve humanity and how to integrate Mesa work into your everyday life.   “Have Mesa and Labyrinth Will Travel”.


Meet you on the path.... 
I can bring two different styles to your
indoor location.... 12' x 15'
                       Grail Goddess
Grail Goddess - Living Art "Portable" 12'  x 15 ' Labyrinth
Created by V. LoneSky (c)2001
                 or the "Heart of Chartres"
           design by  Robert Ferre 15' x 15'

    Walking and building community (around the world)
     with Labyrinths s
ince 2000

Inverness, Scotland  - V. LoneSky (c) 2000
East Coast England -  V. LoneSky (c) 2000

Taxco Guerrero, Mexico -
V. LoneSky (c) 2002

Taxco Guerrero, Mexico - School
V. LoneSky (c) 2002
Therapy Labyrinth - Costa Rico -
V. LoneSky (c) 2002
Jan H. & Group - Costa Rico -  V. LoneSky (c) 2002

Sonia & Mona -  Mexico   V. LoneSky (c) 2005


Taos, NM - LL4P and The Labyrinth Society Gathering  - "Tlakaelel" and Burt Gunn
"Awakening" the Butterfly Labyrinth       -       V. LoneSky (c) 2011

Presenting at Waldorf School Taos,  NM   V. LoneSky (c) 2011
Waikiki Beach, HI - "Walk as one @1" Shore Leave
Make them on the beach!  - V. LoneSky (c) 2005 & 2011

"Shore Leave" WAO@1 - Walkers  - Navy Personnel



Holy Cross Evangelical Lutheran Church Livonia, MI
 "Walk as One @1" Facilitation and Program - V. LoneSky  2012
Angel Fire, NM (Veterans Memorial)
Veterans Day - V. LoneSky (c)2013 with Sandra Wasko-Flood

Angel Fire Vietnam Memorial - Veterans Day
V. LoneSky (c) 2013  with 
Sandra Wasko-Flood 

John Hopkins Baltimore, MD  "Walk as one @ 1" World Labyrinth Day
V. LoneSky (c) 2013  with Sandra Wasko-Flood   2014

MICA Art School - Karen Johnson Organizer
"Walk As One @ 1" World Labyrinth Day - May 2015
"Walk as one @1"
Downtown Baltimore, MD
Sandra Wasko-Flood Design
May 2015

Shona Tours -James and Ilona - Hills of Ireland  Labyrinth - 
Overseeing the valley and River Lee - Virginia. LoneSky (c) 2015

"Trion 7" - Carriacou, Hillsborough, W. Indies - Prime Memorial Park
Mary Dorman Dedication Services by Virginia LoneSky, ThD  - 2015
I AM waiting to take the next steps with you, your organization or community.     Peaceful Endeavours "Walk Awhile In My Boots" TM  2014

Please contact Virginia LoneSky, ThD at
Peaceful Endeavours for additional information on her therapeutic "quiet time" programs for Veterans and 1st Responders and their families, now forming in Southeastern, Michigan.

"Come and shed, with ease, those cobwebs stuck in our minds...  no explaining, no complaining.   Practice letting go quietly what no longer serves your higher purpose.

We create a 'special safe place just to be'.   We sit in a special circle of like minded non-judgmental persons.
We support and share, and we are allowed to not speak; take our time with integrating - some traditional drumming, gentle music, and a labyrinth pattern...walking with a finger labyrinth using our fingers; or walking a portable or permanent labyrinth with our feet.   The brain cannot tell the difference...

 All beliefs respected and no previous experience is today to start a new chapter in your life.  
May you, "Walk in beauty on this good Earth"....

, Virginia LoneSky, ThD

For more information on regular programs, or Facilitation Training - one to one on-line; or for any questions about labyrinths or building a weekend workshop or sharing one fun day -
please Contact: 

Peaceful Endeavours Virginia LoneSky, ThD