Thursday, June 12, 2014

You are Invited To Bring A Program 
To Your Community....

Peaceful Endeavours Educational Programs for private and public audiences.  All kinds of groups can benefit from introducing the experience of "gathering together"..  Schools, clubs, hospital support groups, just to name a few. 

Contact me and we can build something adapted to your belief system.  LABYRINTH or not.  I have finger labyrinths, and portable labyrinths...or we just meet and you experience my unique workshop for empowerment, harmony and renewal.

Working with community for over 25 years..lots of ancient wisdom school experience to share.  Everyone benefits from exploring their inner and outer "selves".

Special Programs....

I hope to launch my Veterans and First Responders - "Walk A While In My Boots"  PTSD Focus On 'Beginning Steps to Wellness...' in your area..

Developed by Rev. Dr. Virginia Lonesky from her successful model of empowerment and gentle guidance techniques; using the system of shedding the past, and empowering the individuals.  Tailored to YOUR beliefs and intent.

Offering group therapy and 'beginning steps' program incorporating the "Talking Circle" and walking labyrinths to 'unlock the brain' to begin again.   Focus on introspection and rewiring neuron transmitters of the brain; can incorporate open talking within families and guiding how they CAN come together and begin a new dialogue on how the trauma has affected everyone.   PTSD therapy without the Blame Game mentality and is used to augment, not replace, any current medical or
physiological programs you may currently be involved in.

....Contact: I'd Like More Information On Your PTSD Programs  for more details.

Gabriel Richard Park at the Belle Isle Bridge - Detroit, Michigan -  Adcrafters -

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