Peaceful Endeavours And Living Labyrinths for Peace - Memorial Week Events Invitation To All In The Area
May 26, 27, 28, 2013
May 26, 27, 28, 2013
Sunday, May 26, 2013 - 11am-NoonIn the Conference Room at
Angel Fire, NM - Vietnam Veterans Memorial
Sunday May 26 – 11 a.m. - Noon–Vietnam Veterans Memorial - 34 Country Rd., Angel Fire, NM 87710. Phone: 575-377-6900. E-Mail: Directions from Taos: Take U.S. Hwy. 64 to Country Rd. B4. Turn left and veer to the right one half mile to Memorial Parking area. Free Program In Conference Room – Sandra Wasko-Flood and Virginia LoneSky will give a life changing talk on how the simple ‘walking’ of a labyrinth pattern may help to restore calm and offer therapeutic benefits.
They will offer educational information and cover how walking, or tracing a labyrinth pattern, can offer you a moment of “inner peace” without compromising your belief system. These ancient symbols are over 4,000 years old in various forms around the world. They are scientific as well as spiritual, and have been successfully used in the 21stcentury by healing therapists and other practitioners. Labyrinths are found in schools and hospitals, parks and prisons, and places of worship representing all beliefs and walks of life. No previous experience necessary. Come Empty. Leave Full.
Monday May 27–Noon – 5:00 p.m. Memorial Day – Labyrinth Walks and Community Social,
Angel Fire, NM 87710. Where: On Wasko-Flood property - 26 Bonito Lane. Property is just behind the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. After you visit the Memorial, you are welcome to stop by for an old-fashioned ‘social’. Labyrinths will be laid out on the lawn for walking. Come for conversation, or walk, sit, listen, or just stop by to rest awhile. Directions: See the ‘from Taos’ directions above to the Memorial, then from the upper parking lot, follow the dirt road. Turn left on Country Club Dr. Stay up on the mountain while Country Club changes its name to Pino. Turn left onto Bonito Lane: Octagon glass house, blue roof, at 26 Bonito Lane. Look for red flag markers along the way.
Angel Fire, NM 87710. Where: On Wasko-Flood property - 26 Bonito Lane. Property is just behind the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. After you visit the Memorial, you are welcome to stop by for an old-fashioned ‘social’. Labyrinths will be laid out on the lawn for walking. Come for conversation, or walk, sit, listen, or just stop by to rest awhile. Directions: See the ‘from Taos’ directions above to the Memorial, then from the upper parking lot, follow the dirt road. Turn left on Country Club Dr. Stay up on the mountain while Country Club changes its name to Pino. Turn left onto Bonito Lane: Octagon glass house, blue roof, at 26 Bonito Lane. Look for red flag markers along the way.
Living Labyrinth For Peace – Come Visit Free Open House
Tuesday May 28 Living Labyrinths For Peace (LL4P) Center
1021 Salazar, Taos, NM 87571
1021 Salazar, Taos, NM 87571
When - 4-6pm - Refreshments, artwork, labyrinths to walk - plenty of conversation and meeting new friends.
Inviting everyone in the community to come and find out more about our programs and what we have planned for our area. Stop by and see our new location. View artwork, browse around, ask questions, walk labyrinths. Learn more about our room rentals.
Stay longer for an extraordinary workshop addressing topics of PSTD and how a labyrinth may begin your first steps back to “inner peace”. Attend workshop given by Peaceful Endeavours Labyrinths. *Free to Veterans and 1stResponders (Police, Fire, EMS service personnel).
Stay longer for an extraordinary workshop addressing topics of PSTD and how a labyrinth may begin your first steps back to “inner peace”. Attend workshop given by Peaceful Endeavours Labyrinths. *Free to Veterans and 1stResponders (Police, Fire, EMS service personnel).
Workshop 6 - 7 pm – Focus on Veterans – 1st Responders - Offered by Peaceful Endeavours Ministry
Join us for a sample of, “Walk Awhile In My Boots”TM., a workshop facilitated by Rev. Dr. Virginia LoneSky, who uses an informal interactive “Talking Circle” tribal approach to self-awareness, and demonstrates the benefits of using labyrinths to unwind ‘duty trauma’. She gently guides those experiencing the challenges of PSTD into understanding various ways to begin taking those first steps to wellness and healing. *Free to Veterans and 1st Responders; Police, Fire, EMS personnel. All others, Suggested Donation Others $20.
“Inner Peace to World Peace Through Labyrinths”
Join us for a sample of, “Walk Awhile In My Boots”TM., a workshop facilitated by Rev. Dr. Virginia LoneSky, who uses an informal interactive “Talking Circle” tribal approach to self-awareness, and demonstrates the benefits of using labyrinths to unwind ‘duty trauma’. She gently guides those experiencing the challenges of PSTD into understanding various ways to begin taking those first steps to wellness and healing. *Free to Veterans and 1st Responders; Police, Fire, EMS personnel. All others, Suggested Donation Others $20.
“Inner Peace to World Peace Through Labyrinths”
For More Information on how to bring Veteran's Programs to Your Area, Contact: Virginia LoneSky ThD @ Peaceful Endeavours
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