Wednesday, June 6, 2012

June 23, 2012 - Solstice Celebration

Summer 2012 
Picture by Blanchard Spang
Summer Solstice -  June 23rd -  come to
Yellow Springs, OH - Sacred Valley Celebration

Sponsored by Chinchaysuyu Council - Mesa Circle
(The Heart Of The Healer - Northern Region
teachings of don Oscar Miro-Quesada)

Growing new opportunities to meet around the Region, and share the teachings of the lineage of don Oscar in between his workshops - 
Sat. June 23rd - 3:30 pm til 7:30 pm -  Will be held outdoors - dress appropriately.  Bring drums and music makers.

Outline: Opening sharing circle - Open Mesa - Guided Journey, Break for Pot Luck dinner.  Resume: Despacho (creation and offering), community Fire - Come and bring your ideas for future community building and harmony.  Bring yourself, an outdoor chair, a food to share, (keep green by bringing your own dish and utensils).

Informal but empowering.  For directions, 
contact Peggy Koebernick at - Munay, Virginia LoneSky