Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Happy Holidays - Happy New Era 2013
Peaceful Endeavours - Virginia LoneSky ThD
Looking Forward to Serving the Community
Through Labyrinths - Geomancy - Ceremony
Labyrinth Facilitation Training
Sacred Trips - Shamanic Classes

Friday, December 21, 2012

don Oscar Miro-Quesada

A Message from don Oscar Miro-Quesada
on Celebrating the New Energy
December 21, 2012

As practitioners of Pachakuti Mesa Tradition cross-cultural shamanism our December 21, 2012  calling must be to further assess and winnow from the ancestral wisdom lineages that have shaped us, kernels of resonance that are still vital and alive, sparks of universal gnosis and earth-honoring ritual process still burning, which might, in this seemingly darkest day of the year, light the way towards a viable future, providing warmth, inspiration, and heartfelt sacred community through which we can today be, what humankind might yet become. So is my solemn decree on this apocryphal end date of the Mayan calendar. I have thus shared my fondest dream, in visionary shamanic service to the seven generations, on this 21st day of December 2012!
With loving presence, don Oscar
Founder, The Heart of the Healer Foundation
PO Box 1458 Old Chelsea Station, New York, NY USA 10113-1458

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Holiday Blessings to All Of You...

May you all enjoy the peace and happiness you imagine....and may you bring it into your awareness.  May your inner loving, peaceful world reflect out into your outer a new dawn begins today, we make our future.
Winter Reflection

May your Holidays be celebrated in peace and gratitude for your family and friends.

I Am looking forward to being of service to Community in 2013.

As we create our new cycle in peace, love, joy and light on December 21st.

I Am That I Am..In Service to Community

From Peaceful Endeavours
Non-Profit Spiritual Educational Organization

Virginia LoneSky, ThD

Labyrinth Facilitator
Hospice Mentor
Pachakuti Mesa Carrier

Friday, November 23, 2012

Labyrinth Products Available

©Journey Of The Heart - Single Portable Chartres or Classic Styles -

As shown below.   Or see the Double Classic Finger Labyrinths on the Website that stimulates and activates left/right brain function with using both hands at the same time.  Great for increasing 'Brain Connectivity' for children and adults.
Welcome to this site....Introducing you to, or reacquainting you with, the wonderful world of labyrinths, and how they can be integrated into your life for personal and group empowerment through Finger Labyrinths.

©Journey Of The Heart Single Portable Chartres
Or Classic Styles
These portable 21 inch x 21 inch purple cloths with striking silver ink, are great for creating an individual personal space upon which to 'reflect' and grow your self-intuition, and mindful meditation.  

Can be used for Altar space, draped over your computer or TV monitors, or pinned up on the wall when not in use - can aid with stray energy, their use is endless to your adaptation to your beliefs!

Great gifts - Clear plastic packaging, includes two pages of General Information to give new users insight in their place in ancient history and modern times.  (Ask for Gift Box ($1.00 extra)

Must indicate on Order Form - your phone number and "Gift" so I can contact you directly for instructions.)

(Site Work In Progress:  Until I can have my Labyrinth Products page posted here, it will be necessary for you to visit my website to view the products and Order. )

 Come explore the various personal finger labyrinths and charts at Peaceful Endeavours Labyrinth original Website, and Place Your Secure Order There - You will then receive a secure PayPal Invoice pay by check or credit card - go visit now - Here is the handy link to get you to the Order Form

Thank you for your interest in my new blog spot...this space is still a work in progress, and I am still in the process of tweaking and adjusting the text to reflect its new home.   Thank you for your visit, and for supporting my non-profit community education work. 

Please click on the information Pages to the left which contain many topics and a wealth of information!   It will give you the background of experience Peaceful Endeavours has, contributing all over the world.   

  "Have Labyrinth Will Travel".  Hope to meet you on the path.

Journey Well, Virginia LoneSky, ThD
Peaceful Endeavours Labyrinths
Member, and Regional Representative,  International Labyrinth Society

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

July 4th - Labyrinth Walk For Peace -
Wilmington, Illinois - (Private Gathering)

We join in reflect as we walk...the steps it takes to remain 'free'...from fear...prejudice...inner and outer turmoil...and to walk into our gratitude for all the steps it took....resolving to be proactive for our respect for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  May Freedom Ring...throughout the land and in our Congress, Courts, and representatives NOW, and that the laws they agree to pass 'reflect' the same principles without favoritism, prejudice or inequality, NOW and forever..may Justice prevail in the hearts of mankind and womankind...and set the people free to be what they came here to peace, love and understanding to live abundant, productive, caring lives.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

THOTH has announced that... 
The Heart of the Healer's
8th International Gathering 2012
has been cancelled for safety 
concerns, and to not bring people
into uncertain conditions due
to the wildfire situation still
continuing in Colorado

if you have registered and paid, 
for information on refunds.  

If you feel drawn to help, we suggest you consider making a tax deductible donation to either THOTH, to help them defray their advertising expenses or  the local fire and rescue community during their time of challenge.  

THOTH Facebook page and their website should have detail information posted on all options.  

And without saying, may we join together in a collective prayer that pachamama be nourished now by gentle cooling rain, in balance, and that the people come through this challenge even stronger.

May they feel our love, and may it help them feel safe and secure.

We ask that you please hold THOTH, and the people of Colorado in your prayers as they make all the necessary adjustments during this challenge.   Munay,

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

June 23, 2012 - Solstice Celebration

Summer 2012 
Picture by Blanchard Spang
Summer Solstice -  June 23rd -  come to
Yellow Springs, OH - Sacred Valley Celebration

Sponsored by Chinchaysuyu Council - Mesa Circle
(The Heart Of The Healer - Northern Region
teachings of don Oscar Miro-Quesada)

Growing new opportunities to meet around the Region, and share the teachings of the lineage of don Oscar in between his workshops - 
Sat. June 23rd - 3:30 pm til 7:30 pm -  Will be held outdoors - dress appropriately.  Bring drums and music makers.

Outline: Opening sharing circle - Open Mesa - Guided Journey, Break for Pot Luck dinner.  Resume: Despacho (creation and offering), community Fire - Come and bring your ideas for future community building and harmony.  Bring yourself, an outdoor chair, a food to share, (keep green by bringing your own dish and utensils).

Informal but empowering.  For directions, 
contact Peggy Koebernick at - Munay, Virginia LoneSky 

Saturday, June 2, 2012

June 5th - Detroit, MI - Labyrinth Walk And Water Ceremony - Gather 6:30 pm

You are Invited...Labyrinth Walk and Water Ceremony ....gathering on the banks of the Detroit River...Gabriel Richard Park labyrinth (Adcrafters) -  near the Belle Isle bridge...for the first time in 5,000 years we will have the chance to co-create our own spiritual destiny in harmony and replace the outdated society of war and conflict with a more advanced one of spiritual understanding.   All it takes is your presence...or your thoughts to be with us in spirit.

Come experience group dynamics as we focus on Harmony, and direct our intent to make it so!  We are joining with the worldwide honoring of a Venus transit, a rare cosmic event when planet Venus passes in front of the Sun. (This Venus transit will mark a completion of the 8 year cycle of the Return of the Goddess which started with a previous Venus transit in 2004.) Goddess energy is a pure feminine essence of Love that will help us easing the planetary liberation process. Both masculine energies of action and feminine energies of receptivity are needed to complete this process successfully.  Birthing in the New Wave of Harmony...come experience group dynamics and empowerment. 

Hosted by, Virginia and Marshell   .... no previous labyrinth walk experience  
Logistics: Park car across from the bridge and walk to the park - ceremony will be from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm - if you arrive after it begins just stand near the labyrinth and we'll weave you in!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Oscar Miro-Quesada & Robert Vetter - May 18-20

MAY - 18 - 20 
don Oscar Miro-Quesada
Registration Is Now Closed...Thank you Community for your support for "A Sacred Re-Membering: "Ceremonial Earthways Of Condor And Eagle"    I am honored to be a part of the Chinchaysuyu Counsel hosting a Mythic Initiation journey concentrating on 'healing' with don Oscar Miro-Quesada & Robert Vetter at
Hope Springs Institute, Peebles, Ohio (Located near Serpent Mound). for more details on this healing weekend - Northern Plains Cedar Smoke Ceremony

Sunday, March 18, 2012

May 2012 - Presentations & Workshops

MAY - 5 
"Walking As One At 1" - Individual - Community Group - Foot and Finger Labyrinth Walks - Held Around The World - Local Walks 

Virginia LoneSky, ThD - Labyrinth Society Regional Rep for MI MO IA has been invited to host a Workshop before the walk at:

Holy Cross Evangelical Lutheran Church
30650  6 Mile Road
Livonia, MI 48152
Sponsored by: Pastor Dana Runestad

Time Line:  Doors Open at 9:30 a.m. - Workshop "What Is A Labyrinth" begins at 10:00 a.m. - non-parishioners "Love Offering" - We break for lunch, then "Walk As One @ 1" - World wide intention to connect Harmony - Peace - Reconciliation - through our steps.  

Visit to visit their church website -  contact for any labyrinth questions.   Dress for weather of the day.   Come empty...leave full!

April 2012 - Presentations

Community Live Theatre  

April - 29
"Moon Monologues" TM - play by Marshell Germany - introspective presentation comparing the "Greek Goddess Archetypes" with 21st century feminine spin to encourage women and men to support building new inter-personal dynamics.

Performance by Virginia LoneSky, ThD in the roll of Wisdom Keeper/Elder stage of life.

Details and location will be posted. Shriners Building, Southfield, MI
Face Book page of Marshell Germany  ..send inquiries to: 

Saturday, March 17, 2012

March 2012 - Workshops & Ceremonies

MARCH - 20 
Public Event - "Spring Equinox - Woman's Detroit Circle" 6:30 p.m. Hosted by Marshell Germany.   Come meet new people and create sacred space.  Novice to Experienced.   All faiths, all beliefs welcomed.  Contact Peaceful Endeavours at  or call 586 - 739 - 7293

MARCH - 24 
Private Event - Teaching circle - "Great Lakes Tribal Gathering" sharing with Elders their stories, crafts and building community.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


February - 4 
Public Event - "Finger Labyrinths 101 Workshop" -  Troy, MI

Come join this great opportunity to share and explore inner and outer movement by using a finger labyrinth.  Hosted By: Peaceful Endeavours, call 586 739 7293 for directions - 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Sunday, January 1, 2012



Happy New Year - Private Labyrinth Walk - "Walking Into Your New Year"