Labyrinth Information

A labyrinth is generally defined as a symbol with a meandering path guiding the user on a walk inward to a center and outward back to where they began. It is not intended to confuse you or have dead ends like a Maze. It is called a finger labyrinth when you trace the pattern with your finger.

This wonderful ancient symbol is experiencing resurgence in popularity. It has found its way into churches, universities, hospitals, communities, backyards, boardrooms, and now into your life!

It is an ancient symbol that has been found all over the world, and has been calculated to be over 3,500 years old in some forms. It comes in many different shapes and sizes. Some feel it moves the person through a wave of subtle energy to transform or enlighten, and guides the journey into three stages of experience which can be described as, releasing, revealing, and renewing.

It seems to draw spiritual, metaphysical and scientific interest and speculation, but you may be attracted to it simply because you like the way it looks.

This tool may not need to be explained, but for those who are interested, here are a few pieces of information on two of the most popular styles.

The Chartres style is named after the 13th century Cathedral in Chartres, France where it is laid out on the floor. (See the French Site for more pictures of labyrinths in France)

The other most recognizable style is called the Cretan and often is associated with a story from Greek Mythology. An adaptation of this style may also be known as Classical or Classic. Most commonly, a Cretan/Classical style has 7 circuits or paths leading into its' center. This style has been known to be constructed with many additional paths and variations, and sometimes incorporates shapes into it.

This is an example (above) of the wonderful turf labyrinth located at Saffron Walden, Essex, England. It measures about 132 feet from corner to corner, and is made of raised earth pathways. While no one knows who made it, or why, there is documentation from the 1800's that games and ceremonies may have been played on it. It is located in a public area, and is still played upon by children and adults today.

So you can see that Labyrinths can be created indoors or outdoors, and the term, "Labyrinth Walk" can pertain to walking a full size labyrinth with your feet, or tracing a smaller pattern with your fingers. For those who cannot access a full size labyrinth in their community, you can now, by virtue of our Personal Labyrinth Experience Kits©, have the experience in the comfort of your own space 365 days a year. You can utilize the same calming, meditative and reflective healing experience, over and over, without leaving your home.

As an advocate of the use of Finger Labyrinths - look at a picture here and then envision using one at your finger tips.  Visit my Labyrinth Products page for versitile finger labyrinths that you can lay out, in the comfort of your own 'sacred space' at home, school, the office - Here's some information to guide you:


"Journey Of The Heart"© a.k.a. The Personal Labyrinth Experience Kits  at  were designed to have everything included in them to get you started with 'walking' a labyrinth in one delightful gift box!  It has a beautiful cloth, silver circuits, two pages of information on history, how to determine the difference between designs, their uses, research, and how to get started using one.  It also includes what I call a 'touch stone', which can be pushed along the paths to help you keep your focus into the center, and out again.

TO BEGIN:  The Double Finger Labyrinths are an extraordinary way to feel the sensation of using both hemispheres of your brain at the same time. It is a great tool for grounding and heightening focus and creating calm.  This tool is great for people who want to improve their energy levels but especially beneficial for patients in recovery and therapy programs, and adults and children with ADD and learning disabilities.  The only difference with this product is that you position your index fingers at each entrance and move through the path simultaneously. You can, however, choose to only use one or the other at a time. The Left labyrinth stimulates the Right side of the brain, Right Labyrinth stimulates the Left side of the brain. So you can choose to do them together or separately.

Find the 'entrance' to the Labyrinths located at the bottom of the design.  For the cloth Labyrinths, you can use your fingers or use the "touch stone" or substitute this stone with one of your own favorite personal stones, rocks, shells or object. It doesn't matter 'which finger or which hand you begin with. That's the beauty of the experience - you create it.
Then move though the Labyrinth into the center at your own pace. You can stop, rest, or come back out immediately.

You cannot get lost as a labyrinth is a clear path in and out of the center. I highly recommend that you complete your walk after you reach the center, by retracing the way you came in until you are completely out. Bravo you did it!