On-Line or On-Site
Guiding you to find your path to the labyrinth for your education, personal growth and enlightenment. She has expanded her media and is now offering a more up to date calendar on this blog page, and posts information on the Peaceful Endeavours Programs Face Book page on a regular basis.
If you would like more information about Workshops and Presentations facilitated by Rev. Dr. Virginia LoneSky, or Events which she will be a part of:
Contact Peaceful Endeavours at MORE INFORMATION to inquire about her Educational Programs for Schools and Hospitals. Her team building programs for Businesses.
Or one of her many specialized workshops and personal growth/healing programs for Hospice and Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. And her Youths At Risk Programs.
She also offers on-site or on-line Hospice Training and Labyrinth Facilitation Training. With Certificates of Completion. We begin on the labyrinth, but end up finding much more about 'our' selves.
Click on Links in the Left Margin HERE, that will take you to viewing all the information loaded onto her original Website since 2001; educational workshops, history of labyrinths, and website contents, at a glance. Enjoy!
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Journey Well, Rev. Dr. Virginia LoneSky
Slide from Workshop Presentation:
Drawing by Jeff Saward