Seasons Greetings... Happy Holidays...
Merry Christmas &
Happy Winter Solstice 2015
Happy New Year 2016!!
Peaceful Endeavours thanks all those
who have attended my workshops, talking
circles, therapy round table discussions, special events; purchased my Labyrinth products, etc. through my non-profit organization this year.
And those who have built Labyrinths and Invited me to Facilitate....
And those who have asked me to Officiate at their Marriages....
I have been blessed to have shared their personal time and space with me..!
Sincere Appreciation and profound
Gratitude to you all!
With Prosperity and Abundance In All Ways!
Virginia LoneSky, ThD
(a.k.a. Rev. Dr. Virginia Lonesky)
(a.k.a. Rev. Dr. Virginia Lonesky)
Founder of the Non-Profit, Peaceful Endeavours educational, transformation teachings and mentoring services within community to foster peace and understanding through all denominations and belief systems since 1989.
Visit Website to order Labyrinth Products that help
support my non-profit work around the world at:
Visit Facebook for current pictures and educational information at: Peaceful Endeavours Labyrinths
Questions on availability and General Information at:
Email: Peaceful Endeavours Inquiry
"Journey well, until we meet on the Path,
Have Labyrinth Will Travel.....Virginia LoneSky, ThD"
2015 Facilitation in Grenada, Limlair, Curricauo, West Indies- (c) Triune 7 path classical - design by John Ridder |